Thursday, October 10, 2019

The show goes on

Gary is talking to us today.  I announced the performance winners, and it is good to see all that work. The 4-6 came in and Ed was too busy to write down the winners.

Now the 4- 6 males. Six in there and Bob is doing his thing.  Candy is here, and she is talking to Ed, so I am on my own. Gary left, and there goes Bev.  I talked to Cindy earlier.  

They go down and back and one at a time. He's doing the individuals, Bill Tank with Calvin and Hobbs. Twyla came by on her cart, and got snowed in this morning. Summer and her mother are coming in tonight, I hope she gets to see the snow. Lindsey is handling Viktor from Covy Tucker Hills Kennel.

No one is making any noise, yet.  Lots of people here, maybe the weather is a downer. It sure is cold.  

Now Sergio, (with a great red jacket), with Burning Arrow.  Bob talked to me earlier, and he said he feels great standing out there so much. I don't think I could do it. That is a good looking sable, and moves well.

That's the group, not the real work begins.

Bob looks them over. Kent is in front of us watching, and maybe double handliong.  And off they go with Page, Liz, then Clint, then Bill then Lindsey and Sergio. He moves Liz to first, then Lindsey, Sergio and leaves Bill in back.

And off they go again.  Moving free, and they look good.  First Saltan, Kent is one of the owners. Now he sets aside the first three and looking at the rest. I think he is looking for a fourth, much like setting up a bridge game.  Down and back.  I like the sable Sergio has, but I am not judging.  He is in third.  Liz remains in front.

Bob takes all of them down and back.  

There they go with Bob looking and they are in order, in my opinion and Bob walks over and that is it.  First is Saltan, Second is Victor, Third is Burning Arrow and Fourth Calvin and Hobbs.

More to come