Wednesday, September 28, 2011

12-15 Puppy Dogs

Now on to 12-15 Puppy dogs.  I don't know about the split, but I see five in the ready ring. Seems strange to me.   JR is here and so is Tiffany. I see Kent in front with Captain America, then Mike with Krug, then Lenny with One For The Money, then Christie with Happy Time then Nancy with Ya Think.  Pam is giving me a shoulder rub.    Sharon and Rodger came by and now it is filling up the ring.
I love walking a few steps to the arena.  You can go through a tunnel, or walk just a few feet to the arena.  Pam is talking to us.  Pam was given a whistle by Jane to double with, but it had a mint caught in it. There are always problems at the national.  Oak is coming by and said he has a puppy that got out and was running around the RV.  Sharron came by to get a pen. I doubt that she will return it?
Karen is going down the line and they are set up and they all look good. She says go around together easy and there they go.  I like what Kent has best, but there are some other good ones too. She moves Christie into second and there they go again.  That is how they are, Kent, christie, Mike and Nancy.
Evan L. Ginsburg
Asgard German Shepherds
Where Type Movement and Temperament come  together