Thursday, October 10, 2013

American Bred Bitches

Bred By Dogs
A full ring in there.  It looks like twelve in there.  Lana Lee has fourteen.  I understand that there was a collision between a handler and Gloria, so we are waiting to see what happens. I can't imagine what we would do if we have to go to the ladder system. Everyone would move up and the next highest judge would be someone with five votes. What do we have, about 18 judges here?
I sure hope Gloria is OK, but I don't want to be part of the crowd.  Gloria is OK, and in the ring. That is enough drama for me.
And off they go. Lana Lee is right again, 14.  This is getting to be a habit.  She pulls out a black with Nancy.  It is a Magic Marker daughter. Excuse me. That is Select Champion Excellent Magic Marker. He was the Futurity Victor last year, Black Bart.  His litter-mate is in here Captain Jack Sparrow.  I like the Markie puppies.
This is a nice class, but not deep.  She is bringing in the next group.  Kent in is there for the loose lead and Gloria is talking to him, Man in Black, then Leslie and that is the end of the group.
I was sitting with Big Dave Rinke, Bill Leonard and talking to Ed Barritt at the same time. I was trying to teach them about judging, but they would not listen to me.   I tried to tell them that you could not show a champion in Bred By. I think, no, I know, I am right. Even if I often lean more to the Left.
That group is done, and now she starts to look them over. It is interesting in here, a lot of chatter, but it sounds more like people are talking among themselves. Maybe I should announce that there is a dog show.  Off they go, and now they stop.
Now she calls for the other half with the Markie pupps in there.  In they come, and so far they all have dreams.  Now for the first half again, Nancy still leading.  Four sent to the pits.  Now there mare only a bunch left.  Nine left, and four will probably place. So, the odds are against you.
Black Bart is still in there, so is Captain Sparrow.  She goes down the line with a head pat, the dogs, not the handlers.
Gloria stands back and lots of double handling and there they go with Black Bart and Nancy in the lead. And Gloria really watches him and now looks over the rest of the class and now goes to look at the front again and now she stops them.  Up goes Scott and then Scott, Nancy, Kent and Mike.  Player in front, Spiderman, and Black Bart, and she takes the last five to look them over again.  I have a strange feeling there is a lot more judging to go in this class. The last three head to the heap, including Jack Sparrow. Now there are six.  Nice males.  The crowd like Mike, but he is fifth right now.
Kent is yelling at his double and off they go.  Scott in the lead with Player,a nd she is walking towards them but not too fast, so I think there is some change going on.  Gloria stops them and goes to the front, I would put Bart in front of Spiderman, but Spiderman is a great dog, as is Player.  Off they go.  This might be it, she looks them over well, and goes to get the records. That should be it, if she goes as she does. Yes, they line up in the center oft he ring.   And, counts them off.
First was Wolfcreek's Player of Elite Design, Second was Ponch Hill-Tantara Spiderman, Third was Laslar-Candia's Black Bart, and Fourth was Billyjo's Man in Black.
We are having fun now, and have passed the fatigue factor.  So, Bring on the Bitches, and the dogs they handle.
Evan L. Ginsburg
Asgard German Shepherds
Where Type Movement and Temperament come  together