Thursday, October 09, 2014

6-9 Puppy Bitches

6-9 Bitch puppy
Now we have a big class 20. That's like going to the National.
She keeps the first five. The second one with Mike I like when I see her. She is Exxon to Asgard's Jill.  Number 408.
In there is a nice group of puppies.
Interesting to see the difference I know that the Exxon puppy turned six months yesterday.  Lots of puppies, and tons of cute.
I have to say 20 puppies doing individuals is a bit much for me.  It is amazing to see how many of them work on the lead.  Only a few with bad temperament.  I can't imagine trying to judge this class. They look different every step. But, Joan gets the big bucks, so she is doing it.
I see the Guz walking around, and I see people talking to each other. While Joan is working hard, it is difficult to get excited on individual examination on puppies. But, it is important to the owners, breeders and handlers.  Bill Peterson is talking to Art Sinclair who is drinking wine. He probably isn't showing again today.  I talked to Kent, and he was taping his hamstring in the John when I was there, and he gave up his winner to Liz. I hope he is up to tomorrow. The wear and tear on these professionals is amazing.
It is down to the nitty gritty, and there are some very cute puppies there, and she moves them around.  'And there it is, First is 429 Winsome's Les Lie Bearccia V Signature, Second is Winsome's Remembearme V Signature, third was Caretti's Disorderly Conduct and Fourth was Tidir Gays Trinity.  The first and second are littermates if you didn't figure that out yet.
On to the other puppy bitches.