Thursday, October 07, 2010

Less than a week

Here we are less than a week before the National, and things are coming together. I just heard from LanaLee, things are under control and she has camera people lined up for the streaming video.  Liz had the Red Books at class a week ago, and if you don't have one, you are missing a major part of our sport.
My dog has not started to blow his coat yet, even after a week of 100+ days. But, we have been carefull not to mention the show in front of him. He is too young to spell, so we can talk so long as we used letters and not words.
The new litter is eating real food and although Magic Marker still wants to feed them, she is starting to get bored and looking for ways to bug Tedi. That is a good sign. The dog sitter is rested and ready to move in, so long as I get out of the way.
My court appearances are all covered, and my clients know where to call me. I will have a laptop to get in touch with the office when needed, and frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn.
Utah awaits, friends, dogs, vendors, food, wild women and whiskey.  Well, maybe not all of that, but enough to get me to another dog show.
Evan Ginsburg
Asgard German Shepherds
Where Type Movement and Temperament come together