Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Maturity Bitches and Best In Maturity

In come the ladies. It is one o'clock and we aren't finished with the Maturity yet.   This is going to be a long day, unless the class entries are small. It doesn't look like it.  No sound from behind me, the crowd either left or is sleeping.  Sixteen in there, by my count. Now what I would call a small class. Paul Root came by and is talking to me and Zoe.  Dan is very through, exceptionally so. 
I again have lost interest. But these are great bitches.  Capri is in there and what a picture she is posed with Scottie.  Tish came by and she gave me another assignment, and I will do what I can.
I guess through is the best word?  Dan is still on the first group. Leslie came by, and she looks better than ever. It is so good to see that. Dan moves Ariel to second and brings out the second group.  I wonder if I ask the right person if we could go from Futurity/Maturity to Specials and skip the rest?
Sharlonna is in the ring and coming up for the first time is Bill Tank. I saw Ken and Kathy Tank with Hunter who is going to show in Juniors.   I just saw Caterina take a pass. I already said how much I love that bitch and gave her a Best of Breed at a show I judged.  Michael Cheeks just reminded me he gave Kirk a Best Puppy and he asked how the dog is doing. He remembered Summer, and I do wish she were here. Next year, and we all have to work on her parents.
Norma is here with Harvey, and no different from ever. It is good to see her.  She is talking to Judy Tidel.  I understand we are going to have a break after the Maturity for dinner, and then go into the 6-9 and 9-12 puppies.  We may have to skip night and move right into Thursday.
Love Remembears goes to the front.  Dan now takes Caterina and puts her in second. Jimmie scares Lennie by going in front but then smiles.  It is Loves Remembers and Caterina.  I can't see anything else, what a couple of fantastic bitches and that wakes the crowd.   Dan goes over to them and looks at Catarina, and he stands and looks and he takes a look back and now walks down the line and moves Bill Tank up with n'Jms Encore.
Now on to the other group.  Dan says, "The job doesn't get any easier does it?"  The quality is as high as I have ever seen at a national and we are just in the Maturity.  I think the breed is improving.  Dan puts Love Remembears in front and calls out Catarina and puts her in fourth. In second is Ariel and third is Lookalike.  There they go with Love in front. Dan walks over to them and looks at the first one, and then the second. He looks and stands the handlers stack and he goes to the front. That's it, Love Remembears.
Now Best in Maturity. My money is on the bitch, but that was one great dog too.  Eli vs. Love Remembears.  How do you do that?
It's crunch time, and he puts the bitch in front and there they go.  And yes, I was right, it's the bitch
Evan L. Ginsburg
Asgard German Shepherds
Where Type Movement and Temperament come  together